Kollasch Family Farms is situated alongside a tributary of the East Fork Des Moines River that runs the span of over 25 miles and is just upstream from the direct flow through our city limits serving as the ground water source for the entire township. Just over 500 individuals tap water is sourced from this location. Our personal well also located on our property and the water source for our cattle is located here.
A portion of our property line is shared with the County conservation. This area is protected for the preservation of natural habitat for fish, wildlife, and plants.
Our role in protecting the environment and those around us is important to us as producers. As organic producers we are responsibly minimizing the amount of runoff by eliminating synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, or genetically modified (GMO) seeds, but instead rely on natural methods and healthy soil to protect our watershed. We also use cover crops to slow erosion, improve soil health, and control insects by covering the field during the off-season
What is runoff?
Water that leaves a farm because of rain, melted snow, or from irrigating crops.
Look for farms that are organic and use good farming practices like crop rotation, cover cropping and compost, instead of harmful chemicals.

When you see this label, you’ll know you are supporting foods that are good for your family and your water source.
On our farm, we produce grains certified by The Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) International. One of the world's oldest, largest and most trusted leaders in the organic certification industry.
Certified organic means:
-Banned from over 700 chemicals
-Never GMO
-NO harmful pesticides or fertilizers
-Prioritize good farming practices
This is why supporting LOCAL and supporting ORGANIC is so important. In one of the most heavily concentrated agricultural areas in the world, what we eat plays a big role in the quality of our drinking water. These are the waters that are entering our home, that we are cooking with, drinking and bathing in.
According to The National Cancer Institute with collaborators at the University of Minnesota and the University of Iowa, DCEG investigators are evaluating nitrate intake from drinking water in relation to cancer risk in the Iowa Women’s Health Study. So far, they found that women with higher average nitrate levels in public water supplies had increased risks of thyroid, ovarian, bladder, and kidney cancers. There was no association with drinking water nitrate ingestion and colorectal and pancreas cancers. The population using private wells can have considerably higher exposure to nitrate because private wells are not regulated, and because they are often located in agricultural areas in regards to naturally-occurring substances, like arsenic, fertilizer by-products like nitrate, as well as compounds formed when chlorine to disinfect water comes into contact with organic material in water.
Take care of yourself, take care of your neighbors.

#organic #organicag #farmorganic #thisisiowa #nongmo #hormonefreebeef #regenerativeag #thebetterbeef #cleanwater #watershed #cattletales #health #regenerativefarming #qualitymeat #rotationalgrazing #locallygrown #eatlocal #supportlocal #farmtotable #farmtofork #biodiversity #iowa